
So, my dear friend Derek Green, who just had his first child(unrelated, but I feel the need to tell), was telling me that he wanted to change his Xbox name from Razorburn DTG, a longtime classic, to DerekTGreen.  I began to think about some of the great game names from the days of Halo, realizing the sheer power of a name.  See, Derek wants to make his gaming name his REAL name, but as I thought of some of the greats I realized that many game names have become interchangeable with peoples’ real names.  So, in my state of reflection I began to compile a list in my head of my all-time favorite names, or at least names that would be easily recognizable to anybody that played with them.  Some of the people on the list I actually have to think hard on to think of their real names.

If you have had the chance to play with any of the names on this list, you don’t need to know the names with them, but for some people out there, you are probably clueless as to who they are so I will put the game name and real name.  Also, I have sent out a message to get the stories for some of the names origins.  Look back for an update.

Taco7 (me)

Mr Tang Tang (Andew Fenrick)

Capt Des (David Tester)

mongoose (Adam Kelleher)

Sammy Jankus (Jon Treas)

I3east (Tim Icard)

Sadpony (Taylor Bradley)

Razorburn (Derek Green)

Tree (Josh Tandy)

Screw Ewe (Josh Campbell)

Racist Jon; later “Responsible Jon” (Phil Patrie)

Masterchef (Andrew Rosenberg)

Rusty Nail (Vince Azzarello)

123 Meow (David Carnes)

Napkin (Andy Tschetter)

Variable (Royce Young)


Lightforge (Michael Starling)

West Virgina (Adam Porter)

pac pyro 187

much more to come…

~ by amfenrick on November 13, 2009.

One Response to “Halo”

  1. No Seeps Alot?

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