we are not in Japan but…

I can’t do Facebook from work because “the man” doesn’t trust me, but I wanted to post this since it would populate in FB to let you all know Melissa and I are in the land of non-events(Oklahoma). However, the earthquake that did hit Sendai was in the same area of the country that we lived last year. I would imagine the tsunami stuff won’t/hasn’t affected my city due to the geography of the bay, but I read that the port was flooded in Hachinohe(a city in our prefecture) and we know some folks there. Also, my former boss’s son lives in Sendai so keep all of those people in your thoughts and prayers.

Thanks for looking out for us and keeping us in your thoughts. Hopefully I will be able to hop back on here soon and give some updates on our lives. I have actually had the itch to write some more blogs and have just been easing into it with some transition happening in my life.


~ by amfenrick on March 12, 2011.

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